Troop 94 is an active Troop. Our goal is to instill leadership, citizenship & teamwork by challenging our Scouts in the great outdoors. When we are not providing some form of service to our community, you will often find us camping, hiking, cooking, swimming, canoeing & fishing or learning new skills during our weekly Troop meetings to better prepare us for our next outdoor adventure.

Camping gives our Scouts a safe environment to practice the skills they have been learning during our regular Troop meetings. Scouts get hands on experience by challenging themselves to overcome the necessary tasks it takes coexist with mother nature and work as a team with their patrol for whatever challenge may present itself.

Hiking & Backpacking
Hiking & Backpacking provides even more of a challenge than our standard troop camping trips. Each Scout must literally carry their own weight and ensure that they are prepared with the necessary items they need for the trip. Once we get started, there is no running to the car or trailer if you forgot something.

Meals provide an opportunity for our Scouts to bond by sharing a meal together. Food is an integral part of any outdoor Scout adventure. Without a good meal, Scouts tend to get very unruly. We concentrate on the planning, shopping for ingredients, safe & proper handling of food, cooking, & cleaning up of all of our meals. To prepare a meal for 8-10 Scouts is a challenge and one that our Scouts find very fulfilling.

There is a variety of opportunities for our Scouts to use canoes, kayaks, & small sail boats. Troop 94 not only owns and makes available canoes to our Scouts, but each Scout can also participate in the many events available at Summer Camp and or other Troop trips to the local rivers and even the occasional white water rafting trip.

We utilize nature as our classroom, therefore it is only prudent that we instill a sense of respect and responsibility to take care of our environment in our Scouts. We practice "Leave No Trace" principles on every outing and aim to leave it better than we found it.

Every Scout should know how to swim and Scouting provides a safe environment for everyone to learn. Summer Camp is usually the place where the majority of our Scouts start to swim, and enjoy the water. Later, they will most be taught some lifesaving techniques and earn the Life Saving merit badge. As with most Scout skills, swimming is just one more challenge that our Scouts face head on.

First Aid
First Aid is a skill that we revisit often. It is important for each of our Scouts to know how to administer proper first aid and manage an emergency. During our many Scouting adventures, we sometimes find ourselves at some distance from civilization and must rely on each other for assistance. It is a great responsibility that must be taken seriously by all that participate in Scouting and a skill that will be used for the rest of their lives.

... And Much More!!!
Troop 94 is always looking for our next adventure. Our Scouts lead the way and take inspiration from others to decide what they want to do next and how they want to do it. Our first rule in planning any event is "You can't plan to do nothing." You will also find us fishing, shooting, climbing as well as providing service to our community. Check out what we have been up to here.